Gift Membership

Give the gift of gardening!


Gift Society membership ($62) - our most popular package - includes Northern Gardener subscription (print and digital), garden center discounts, member discounts on classes and event merchandise, 2 free tickets to the Minneapolis Home + Garden show and more! 

Gift subscription ($34) includes a full year of growing tips and ideas from cold-climate gardening experts, delivered to your doorstep in our award-winning print and digital Northern Gardener magazine.

Gift digital membership ($30) includes digital Northern Gardener subscription, member discounts on classes and event merchandise, digital version of our annual guide for new gardeners and more. A perfect gift for gardeners on the go!  

A gift notification email will be sent to your recipient. If this a holiday surprise, let us know below and we'll delay our notification. If your recipient is a new member, we will also send them a postcard. Thanks for your support!

Purchaser Information:




Gift Recipient Information:



One last thing! Please remember to include your gift recipient’s email to make sure they unlock all their membership benefits. Unless you specify above, we will send a gift notification email and postcard to them as soon as possible. Questions? Email us .