The Power of Healing Gardens 

05/18/2022 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM CT




  • $5.00  -  Member
  • $10.00  -  Non-Member


This talk will look at gardens from a healing perspective and how gardens impact individuals, society, culture, and the environment.


Wednesday, May 18, 6:30 – 7:30 pm (Fascination with Plants Day) 
$5 Members, $10 nonmembers 
Location: GoToWebinar 

Instructor: Lisa Philander, Ph.D. Curator of the Conservatory & Botanical Collection at the University of Minnesota 

This talk will look at gardens from a healing perspective and how gardens impact individuals, society, culture, and the environment. We will also look at what we can learn from garden movements of the past as symbols of hope and rejuvenation. 



Dr. Philander is the curator of the brand-new Conservatory & Botanical Collection at the University of Minnesota. The publicly accessible greenhouse showcases four exotic biomes and rare plants from the southern hemisphere. Lisa holds degrees in horticulture, agriculture and ethnobotany. She lived in Cape Town, South Africa, where she conducted a graduate study on ethnomedicine and the trade of medicinal plants. Lisa has worked at two botanical gardens in Los Angeles, had a landscape design business, and teaches for the Center for Spirituality and Healing. Interested in the role plants and gardens play in healing, she has created participatory plant-based art installations that focus on transformations of intergenerational trauma. 



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