Grow Your Fruits and Veggies: Ready, Set, Grow! Series [Online]

04/25/2023 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM CT




  • $5.00  -  Member
  • $10.00  -  Non-Member


This online class will cover arugula to zucchini of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and edible flowers that you can grow in Minnesota.


This online class will cover arugula to zucchini of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and edible flowers that you can grow in Minnesota. Using a cold climate context, we will talk about the easiest and the most demanding crops to grow with tips for every crop along the way. We will also touch on pest and weed control strategies for the beginning grower. This is a great class to prepare you for an abundance of harvest from your garden. 

After registering for the event, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please click on the virtual meeting URL and enter your name and email address to complete the registration process. 


Courtney Tchida is the Community Programs Director for the Minnesota State Horticultural Society. Courtney has over 20 years of experience working in horticulture and food-systems education. She spent 16 years at the University of Minnesota coordinating the Student Programs in Sustainable Agriculture and managing Cornercopia Student Organic Farm. She has experience growing a wide variety of edible crops, planning and implementing gardens for schools, farms and food shelf gardens.